Wednesday, October 31, 2007


Want to write a novel but don't have the time? November is National Novel Writing Month (NaNoWriMo). The goal is to write a crummy first draft that can be revised later: 50,000 words of fictional prose, no revision allowed. (That works out to about 1,667 words per day.)

If you want to participate you can sign up on the NaNoWriMo web site. There you can find a support group and record the number of words you write each day. Apparently there are local chapters and writers get together to encourage each other. My friend Jim tells me 128 people from the Flint, MI area have signed up!

This sounds like so much fun! I hope to do this sometime but right now, with severe, chronic tendonitis that is aggravated by typing, I don't dare. Some of my colleagues have signed up so I'll be encouraging them and tracking their progress on a chart on my web site (with a hard copy posted on my office door). I'm using Excel sheet and, unfortunately, it won't let me make the thermometer chart my colleagues requested (like the United Way uses) so we may have to settle for a mere bar chart.

Good luck Jim, Jan, Dave, and Janelle! Write, write, write!

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