Tuesday, February 26, 2008

French Hall Remodeling

French Hall, the building where my office and classrooms are located, is under construction. The central portion is blocked off and only two hallways are open.

Here's the Foreign Language hall (photos courtesy of my colleague Fred):

Here's the English Department hall:

Interesting, eh? The overhead lights disappeared with the drop ceiling and we are amused by the temporary coal-mine style lighting. (If you can't tell from the photos, the lightbulbs are in cages on a heavy extension-cord type line, strung along the hall at ceiling level.) When I look at all the steel above the ceiling level I am amazed that my cell phone works at all in this building!

This phase of remodeling should be done around the end of this semester (April). Then they'll start on our hall: rearranging walls, painting, recarpeting, etc. I'm glad I'm not teaching spring or summer semesters and will miss all the mess, but it will be weird to pack up and leave my old office and come back to a brand new one!

While Googling "French Hall" for external pics of our building, I found a few related links:

French Hall Renovations (with a really nice external photo)

The University of Michigan-Flint on Wikipedia (who knew?!)


Matty said...

Oh my gosh, how do you get any work done? Do you have to send in a canary before you go down in the mines?

Hope everything is going well...I'm coming home sometime in the next month (hopefully), so we'll have to do coffee.

Oh, and I updated my blog, if you want to see what's been going on.


The Cat Bastet said...

Hi Matty!

Nice to hear from you. I hope to see you when you are home next month!

Oh my gosh, how do you get any work done?

It's noisy but we're getting used to it. It's not so bad for faculty because we can do some work at home, but the poor secretaries are stuck with it all the time!

Do you have to send in a canary before you go down in the mines?

Funny that you should ask. Not long ago there was some kind of contraption set up in the hall outside the Eng. Dept. measuring something in the air. We are all still alive and well, so we assume it was nothing toxic. :)