Thursday, March 16, 2006

Eat or Sleep? Now you can do both at the same time!

According to "Study Links Ambien Use To Unconscious Food Forays" by Stephanie Saul published in The New York Times Tuesday Late Edition - Final on March 14, 2006, page 1:
The sleeping pill Ambien seems to unlock a primitive desire to eat in some patients, according to emerging medical case studies that describe how the drug's users sometimes sleepwalk into their kitchens, claw through their refrigerators like animals and consume calories ranging into the thousands.

The next morning, the night eaters remember nothing about their foraging. But they wake up to find telltale clues: mouthfuls of peanut butter, Tostitos in their beds, kitchen counters overflowing with flour, missing food, and even lighted ovens and stoves. Some are so embarrassed, they delay telling anyone, even as they gain weight.
One patient "did not link Ambien to her nocturnal eating until after she gained 100 pounds," even after her family told her about her sleep eating. Why on earth not? Where did she think the weight was coming from? Did she just wake up every morning and say, "Wow, honey, I slept really well, but I seem to have gained a bit of weight -- hey! where's all our food? Oh, well, time to hit the grocery store."

If you don't have electronic access to the NY Times, you read a simliar story on Fox News today: Ambien linked to "Sleep Eating."

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


Good joke, indeed!

This is so ridiculous!
How could we trust these arguments, these bad interviews?

How to believe people that are saying they are sleep-driving, having a call, cooking, eating until they take 100 pounds? Personally, when I take Ambien, I become a zombie! I go to see my mother in law and - such a shame - I don't like her very much, but if I insulted her last week-end, it's not my fault, it's because I abused of Ambien?

Frankly, everyone should assume its own responsibility, stop using law for any insignificant thing and perhaps we will be happier?

It's to easy to find a scapegoat.

Good analysis.

Al. B.